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四年级英语下册Unit1单元知识点归纳(新版PEP) 四年级英语下册Unit1单元知识点归纳(新版PEP) I 词汇: (1)lassr教室 ind窗户 blabard 黑板 light 电灯 piture 图画 dr 门 teahers des 讲台 puter 计算机 fan电扇 all墙 flr 地板 (2) reall 真的 near 距离近 TV 电视 lean 打扫 help 帮助 II 词组、短语; pen the dr 开门 turn n the light 开灯 lse the ind 关窗子 put up the piture 张贴图画 lean the blabard 擦黑板 lean the ind 擦窗子 lean the lassr 打扫教室 III 句型; 1、e have a ne lassr, 我们有一间新的教室。 Its s big 它很大 1、hats in the lassr ? 教室里面有什么? ne blabard、ne TV、an dess and hairs 有一块黑板、一台电视、许多的桌和椅子。 2 Lets lean the lassr 让我们一起打扫教室吧。 好。 Gd idea 好主意。 All right 好的。 3、 Let e lean the teahers des。让我擦讲桌。 4、 Let e lean the inds 让我擦窗子。 、 Let e help u 让我帮助你。 Than u 谢谢 6、heres seat ?我的座位在哪里? Lets g and see让我们一起去看一看吧 7、 7、here is it?它在哪里? 8、Its near the ind它在窗子的附近。 Its in the des 它在桌箱里面。 Its n the teaher’s des 它在讲桌上。 Its under the hair 它在椅子的下面。 9、This is the ne lassr 这是新的教室。 The dr is range 门是橙色的。 The dess are green 桌是绿色的。 10、 I lie lassr 我喜欢我的教室。 巩固练习: 一、找出下列每组单词中不合群的单词,填序号。(%) ( )1 Ane Bt first ( )2 An Bnext t is ( )3 Agarden Bftball plagrund ( )4 Aart r Bshl teahers’ ffie ( ) Ausi r Bgarden puter r 二、单项选择题。(20%) 1 D u have art r ?A a B an the ( )2 –Is this the teahers ffie ? –N, A it isn’t B it nt it is ( )3 heres the g? A Than u B Exuse e Gd idea ( )4 Please be quiet in the A librar B g r ( ) Here ____ her A are B / is ( )6 H an ____ are there in ur lass? A student B students b ( )7 lassr is ________ the first flr A n B in under ( )8 –ele _____Dnging – ! l A t B fr t( 9 –D u have a usi r? – ________ ,______ A es , I a B es, e d es, it is ( )10This ur lassr A a B are is 三、给下列句子排序。 ( )D u have a librar ? ( )es ,e d Its n the send flr ( )Frt-five students ( )N, it isnt It’s the teahers’ ffie ( )ele t ur shl! This is lassr ( )This a , please ( )Is that the puter r? ( Its s big! H an students are there in ur lass 四、找朋友,将序号填在题前括号里。(%) ( )1 here is the art r ? A Than u ( 2 Is this the librar ? B Its n the send flr ( )3 D u have an art r? N, it isnt ( )4 H an


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