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9B Unit 4 Life on Mars Welcome to the unit Teaching aims: 1. Thinking about life in the future. 2. Thinking about what life be like on another planet. 3. Discussing the advantage and disadvantage of a particular environment. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up Show some pictures and let students know something about Mars. Do you know this planet? Step 2 Read and say Mars, helmet, air tank, dried food, power pack, sleeping pack, gravity Step 3 Discussion By 2050,our earth will become? What shall we do? Where shall we live? Step 4 Practice Daniel is dreaming about visiting another planet. What should he take with him? Write the name of the item under each picture. air tank, computer, dried food, power pack, sleeping bag, space helmet, special boots, tent Keys: air tank, tent, dried food, space helmet, special boots, computer, power pack, sleeping bag Step 5 Discussion Can you guess what the life will be like on Mars? On Earth on Mars fruit or vegetables ?udried food gravity ?aless gravity pollution ?no tpollution very important ?not important too much homework ?oless homework and robots will help her Step 6 Daniel is talking to Amy about living on Mars. What would it be like? Work in pairs and discuss with your partner. Use the conversation below as a model. Daniel: What would it be like to live on Mars? Amy: There’s less gravity on Mars. We’d probably need to wear special boots. Daniel: Yes. And we might need sleeping bags too. Amy: I agree. Also, there’s no fruit or vegetables, so we would have to eat dried food. Daniel: Well…that sounds quite boring! But there would be no pollution on Mars. Amy: I hope so. Step 7 Watch a video and answer the questions. What do the boy and his father want to do? Can you guess do they like travel into space? Step 8 Listen and answer 1. Do you think Eddie likes the life on the Mars? 2. Why does Eddie hate life on the Mars? Keys: No, I don’t think so. He can


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