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五、以自然段落为翻译单位,考虑段与段之间的关系与衔接,逐步扩大到段群乃至整个篇章 自然条件与经济特色 浙江自然地理条件优越,经济开发较早,发展潜力很大。一是港口条件优越。??二是旅游资源丰富。??三是物产丰富。??四是工业基础良好。 投资环境 ——邮政电讯全国领先。 ——航空网线继续拓展。 ——港口运力不断提高。 ——供电能力持续增强。 ——浙江省已有37 个市县列为沿海经济开放区和开放城市。 译文 Natural Conditions and Economic Features With favourable natural conditions, Zhejiang is one of he most economically developed provinces with great potentials for development in China. The province boasts of its five advantages in the economic expansion. Firstly, Zhejiang is endowed with good harbours. … Secondly, Zhejiang has abundant resources for tourism. … Thirdly, Zhejiang has rich natural resources. … Fourthly, Zhejiang has a sound foundation for thedevelopment of industry. … 由句子入手至语篇 在翻译的操作层面上,译者始终都必须从具体的句子而非抽象的“语篇”入手,由句子到句子,由段落到段落,最终生成整个语篇。试比较一下两断译文。这是美国总统小布什在纽约“9.11”恐怖袭击事件之后,于2001年9月20日在美国国会联席会议上的演讲,译文一摘自香港《东方日报》,译文二摘自香港《明报》 布什911国会讲话 Mr. Speaker, Mr.President Pro Tempore, members of Congress, and fellow Americans, in the normal course of events, presidents come to this chamber to report on the state of the union. Tonight, no such report is needed; it has already been delivered by the American people. We have seen it in the courage of passengers who rushed terrorists to save others on the ground. Passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer. And would you please help me welcome his wife Lisa Beamer here tonight? We have seen the state of our union in the endurance of rescuers working past exhaustion. We’ve seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers in English, Hebrew and Arabic. We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who have made the grief of strangers their own. My fellow citizens, for the last nine days,the entire world has seen for itself the state of union, and it is strong. 译文一 在正常情况下,美国总统来到这个会场作国情咨文报告,交待国家的状况。今晚,此一报告已无必要,因为国家的面貌已由美国人民表达出来。 我们看到那些与恐怖分子搏斗的乘客所展现出来的勇气,我们也在搜救人员的努力中,看到我们的国情。 译文二 译文二: (众院)议长先生、(参院)临时主席、国会议员们及美国同胞们:在正常程序下,美国总统来到国会是发表国情咨文。今晚,我们不需要这份咨文了,美国人民已经发表了。 我


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