角膜地形图引导准分子激光角膜屈光手术浅谈AstraPro 2.2 P-程序.doc

角膜地形图引导准分子激光角膜屈光手术浅谈AstraPro 2.2 P-程序.doc

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角膜地形图引导准分子激光角膜屈光手术浅谈AstraPro 2.2 P-程序

角膜地形图引导准分子激光角膜屈光手术浅谈AstraPro 2.2 P?程序   作者:樊郑军 高原 刘百臣 彭秀军 贾泽昊 【摘要】   目的:观察AstroPro-P砑τ糜诮悄さ匦瓮家嫉淖挤肿蛹す馇馐质醯陌踩约坝行浴方法:接受角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光近视矫治手术共18 眼,等值球镜-5.29± 0.31D。以术前最佳矫正视力与术后裸眼视力之比作为手术有效性指标,以术后最佳矫正视力有无降低为手术安全性指标。术前及术后1mo记录角膜前表面Q值。手术应用Astra-Pro2.2个性化治疗软件P程序。做手术前矫正视力与手术后裸眼视力的自身对照配对t 检验。做术前和术后1mo角膜前表面Q值的自身配对t 检验。结果:术后裸眼视力与术前最佳矫正视力两者之间无统计学显著性差异(P gt;0.05)。手术的有效性为1.098。无术后最佳矫正视力下降的情况发生。角膜地形图测量手术前角膜前表面Q值平均-0.19±0.07;手术后平均为0.77±0.15。两者之间无统计学显著性差异 (P gt;0.05) 。结论:AstroPro-P治疗程序用于角膜地形图引导的准分子激光屈光手术具有较好的临床效果和安全性。虽然统计学处理无差异, 但是术后的角膜地形图Q值提示角膜前表面形态仍呈长椭圆形(oblate)改变,与准分子激光常规近视治疗的结果相似,然而是否存在有数量上的差别尚需进一步的研究。 【关键词】 近视 屈光手术 准分子激光   Incipient clinical study of topography-guided excimer laser corneal refractive surgery——Observation on safety and effect of asroPro-P? Abstract AIM: To observe the safety and effect of AstroPro-P, a new excimer laser therapeutic program guided by corneal topography. METHODS:A total of 18 myopic eyes, diopter range from -2.50D to - 6.26D, astigmatism from -0.50 D to -2.00D, average equivalent spherical lens value were -5.29±0.31D, were undertaken excimer laser corneal refractive surgery guided by corneal topography with AstroPro-P? The ratio of best corrected visual acuity of pre-operation and best naked visual acuity of post-operation was as effectivity. Whether loss the best corrected visual acuity after surgery or not was as safety. Corneal anterior surface Q value before and after laser surgery were analyzed with statistics. RESULTS: The average best corrected visual acuity before surgery and the average best visual acuity after surgery were 1.07±0.02 and 1.18±0.04,respectively(Pgt;0.05). The effectivity was 1.098. None of eyes lost the best corrected visual acuity after surgery. Corneal topography showed the change of corneal anterior surface Q value were from average -0.19±0.07 before surgery to 0.77±0.15 after surgery (Pgt;0.05). CONCLUSION: The surgery guided by corneal topography with AstroPro-P?is effective and safety. The topography shows that



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