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农业环境科学学报 2011,30(9):1797-1802 Journal of Agro-Environment Science 施用生物黑炭对新疆灰漠土肥力与玉米生长的影响 1 1 1* 1 2 2 2 唐光木 ,葛春辉 ,徐万里 ,王西和 ,郑金伟 ,李恋卿 ,潘根兴 (1.新疆农业科学院土壤肥料与农业节水研究所,乌鲁木齐 830091;2.南京农业大学农业资源与生态环境研究所,南京 210095) 摘 要:通过田间小区对比试验,研究生物黑炭作为改良剂与堆肥等其他生物质改良剂相比对新疆低产土壤———灰漠土的改良和 玉米增产的效果。结果表明,施入20 t ·hm-2 和40 t ·hm-2 的生物黑炭,能显著提高土壤有机质含量,与基础土壤相比,提高了22.77% 和49.80% ,明显高于秸秆还田、羊粪和腐植酸有机肥等对土壤有机质的提升效果。施用生物黑炭提高了玉米单穗重、千粒重、产量 以及生物量,降低了玉米的根冠比,促进玉米根系生长,而追施氮肥对玉米产量的影响差异不显著。因此,施用生物黑炭能够大幅度 提高土壤有机质含量,对灰漠土土壤质量和作物产量以及农艺性状的提高具有重要作用。 关键词:生物黑炭;灰漠土;有机质;玉米产量;根冠比 中图分类号:S156.93 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672- 2043(2011)09- 1797- 06 Effect of Applying Biochar on the Quality of Grey Desert Soil and Maize Cropping in Xinjiang, China 1 1 1* 1 2 2 2 TANG Guang-mu , GE Chun-hui , XU Wan-li , WANG Xi-he , ZHENG Jin-wei , LI Lian-qing , PAN Gen-xing (1.Institute of Soil and Fertilizer & Agricultural Sparing Water, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Urumqi 830091, China; 2.Institute of Resource, Ecosystem and Environment of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China) Abstract :Biochar carbonized from straws or other agriculture wastes applied in soil as a important way to decrease greenhouse gas emission and enhance carbon sequestered was frequently studied by lots of scientists recently. So this text to study on the effect of the biochar to modify grey desert soil and the maize yield by comparison with the other biomass amendment through the plot trials. The results showed that :soil or- ganic matter with biochar of 20 t ·hm-2 and 40 t ·hm-2 applied was increased by 22.77% and 49.80% respectively compared with control plot, and organic matter content in soil of biochar applied was significantly higher than that of farm manure, straw returning, humic acid fe


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