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孙 茗
( 北京国电华北电力工程有限公司, 北京 100011)
: ,
( ECM S) , DCS,
: ; ;
: TM 62 1 : B : 167 19913 ( 2008) 02005 106
Application of Fieldbus Technology
in Electrical Conytrol system of Power Plant
SUN M ing
(N orth Ch ina P ow er E ng ineering (B eij ing ) C oL td , Be ij ing 100011)
Abstract: T his a tic le in t oduces app lication of field bus techno logy in e lect ical cont o l system of pow e p lant fo
ecent yea s, desc ibe the actual conditions and spec ia l fea tu es of E lec t ica l cont o l and managem ent system in
pow e p lants ( ECM S) and the its advantag es compa ed w tth DCS, ana ly ze the p oblem s and facto s easons fo ap
p lica tion of fie ld bus techno logy in pow e plantp opose the scope, m e thod and new idea fo application of fie ld bus
techno logy in pow e plan t
K ey words: powe plant; field bus techno logy; newt o k communication
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