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剑桥图书在线 诺贝尔奖章 菲尔兹奖章 “英国法律学者学会”最佳图书奖 “美国国际法学会”最佳图书奖 “美国社会学学会”杰出图书大奖 “美国心理学学会”杰出图书大奖 “BMA英国医学会”年度最佳图书奖 剑桥投稿指南 Submission of manuscripts to journals of Cambridge University Press Aim and scope of the journal Instructions to Contributors Pay attention to journal specific guidelines for contributors as papers that have to be revised will take longer to be published These guidelines can include instructions for: Double spacing Wide margins Number of Copies/disk Short Title Key Word Number Pages Reference Style How to Submit Online Submission Email Always refer to Instructions for contributors for journal specific information. (i.e. format for submission of any supplementary material.) Include a cover letter/email with any required information and if necessary a concise version of the logic of the paper. Remember submission of a paper is taken to denote that all authors have seen the final version and approved it. Cover Letter Dear editor, Attached please find our manuscript titled “……” by Wang et al. to be submitted to the J. of… Paper submission channels and process ? Online submission, e.g ScholarOne, or Editorial Manager ? Often pdf/word direct to managing editor, sometimes to journal office or society; sometimes one copy ? blinded. ? Covering letter requires you to state the work is original in you (and that you have authority to act on behalf of your co-authors if any) and is not being ? submitted elsewhere. ? Review time: 1 week to 5 weeks Thank you! * * * * Act of 1534: Tried to develop the English book trade Restricted sales of foreign books in England Restricted printing of books in England by foreigners Tried to stop the spread of Protestant literature by limiting who could print King Henry VIII’s Letters Patent, 1534: (original shown in the picture) A royal charter to the University to create a Press Gave licence to print whatever we wanted (technically ‘all manner of books’ - very important later), in effect bypassing the 1534 act Gave the Unive


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