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摘 要 随着中国经济的高速持续发展,城镇化进程不断加快,城镇、交通、矿山等基本建设迅猛增多,风景名胜区、旅游与休闲产业的兴旺发达,导致人地矛盾冲突加剧,严重破坏了生态环境。作为地球上唯一具有生命力的绿色基础设施----风景园林产业,伴随着国家经济强大和环境、人类的需求旺盛而迅猛发展起来。安徽HY景观生态建设有限公司是安徽唯一一家同时具备国家城市园林绿化施工一级资质和风景园林设计乙级、旅游规划设计乙级、市政施工三级资质的企业,也是安徽省内唯一一家连续三年进入全国城市园林绿化50强企业,作为国内风景园林工程施工领域的龙头企业之一,具有跨区域进行大中型项目施工管理技术和经验优势。HY凭着坚定的理想、执着的信念和强劲的团队一路走来,已成长为集设计、施工、养护、监理、投资、苗木花草盆景与园林资材的生产贸易、技术研发、咨询培训等于一体的集团化生态园林企业。 本文以安徽HY景观生态建设有限公司十五年来的发展为背景,以大量详实的企业相关资料信息为基础,以现代企业战略管理理论为依据,运用PEST分析法、五力模型 ABSTRACT With Chinas rapid economic development, the urbanization process is accelerated ceaselessly, town, transportation, mining and other basic construction of the rapid increase, scenic area, tourism and leisure industry flourishing, led to contradictory conflict aggravate, serious damage to the ecological environment. As the only thing on earth with the vitality of green infrastructure, landscape industry, along with the national economy and the environment, strong human demand and rapid development. Anhui Huayi landscape ecological construction limited company is the only one in Anhui along with national city landscaping construction one class aptitude and landscape design, tourism planning and design, municipal construction B qualification three enterprises, Anhui province is also the only company for three consecutive years into the city landscape 50 strong enterprises, as domestic landscape architecture the field of engineering construction is one of the leading enterprises, is an area of large and medium-sized construction project management technology and experience advantage. Honor garden with firm ideal, persistent faith and strong team walked all the way, has grown into a set design, construction, maintenance, management, investment, seedlings flowers bonsai and garden materials production and trade, technology development, consulting training is one of the ecological landscape of enterprise group.This article take the Anhui Huayi landscape ecological construction limited company fifteen years of developme


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