用正则匹配网页信息的c#代码(C# code for regular matching of web pages information).doc

用正则匹配网页信息的c#代码(C# code for regular matching of web pages information).doc

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用正则匹配网页信息的c#代码(C# code for regular matching of web pages information)

用正则匹配网页信息的c#代码(C# code for regular matching of web pages information) public string fomatendate (string str) { due convert.todatetime dt = (str). string [] weeks = new string [] {on, mo, you, we, th, fr, sa}; string [] lmonths = {jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec}; string s = weeks [convert.toint32 (dt.dayofweek)] + dt.day.tostring (00) + lmonths [dt.month - 1]. return s; } public string web1 () / / 获取网页源代码 { string url = @ http: / / 16: 8088 / 纵横 -1.html; string ret; webclient wc = new webclient (); / / 首先创建一个能够从uri中接收数据的webclient的对象 stream str = wc.openread (url); / / 从输入框读取uri打开可读流 并返回网络流对象 streamreader sr = new streamreader (str, encoding.utf8); / / 以网络流对象为参数实例化一个读取流, 设置默认编码 ret = sr.readtoend (); str.close (); / / 关闭网络流 return ret; } public string ddtiqu (int, string) { string rezfdd = [0-9] {18}; regex zfdd = new regex (rezfdd); matchcollection zfdd1 = zfdd.matches (sa). return zfdd1 [].value; / / 订单编号 } public decimal zcdstiqu (int, string) { string rezfdd = [0-9] \ \. [0-9] {2} / span . regex zfdd = new regex (rezfdd); matchcollection zfdd1 = zfdd.matches (sa). return convert.todecimal (zfdd1 [* 2]. value.replace ( / span , )); / / 政策点数 } public string spnrtiqu (int, string) { string rezfdd = \ \ s [0 - 9 - z] {6} \ \ s; regex zfdd = new regex (rezfdd); matchcollection zfdd1 = zfdd.matches (sa). string king = [0 - 9 - z] {6}; regex zfd = new regex (king). matchcollection zf = zfd.matches (zfdd1 [].value); return zf [0].value; / / pnr } public string web2 () / / 获取网页源代码 { string url = @ http: / / 16: 8088 / 纵横 -2.html; string ret; webclient wc = new webclient (); / / 首先创建一个能够从uri中接收数据的webclient的对象 stream str = wc.openread (url); / / 从输入框读取uri打开可读流 并返回网络流对象 streamreader sr = new streamreader (str, encoding.utf8); / / the network flow object is a parameter instantiation of a read stream, set the default encoding RET = sr.ReadToEnd (); (str.Close); / / close network flow Return ret; } Public DateTime ddsjtiqu (string sb) { String rezfdd



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