电脑内外线详解(Computer inside and outside line detailed explanation).doc

电脑内外线详解(Computer inside and outside line detailed explanation).doc

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电脑内外线详解(Computer inside and outside line detailed explanation)

电脑内外线详解(Computer inside and outside line detailed explanation) Computer inside and outside line detailed explanation Host external line Although the host outside of the connection is simple, but we have to figure out which interface plug what parts, what is the role?. For these interfaces, the easiest way to connect is to align the pins and insert them straight into the direction of the interface. Power interface (black): responsible for powering the entire host power, and some power supplies are switched on. The author recommends shutting down the power switch without using the computer. PS/2 interface: PS/2 interface (blue and green) two groups, respectively, below (on board PCB direction) purple green above the keyboard interface and mouse interface, two interface cannot be inserted, otherwise it will not find the corresponding hardware; in use can not be hot plug, otherwise it will damage the chip or circuit. USB interface (black): the interface shape is flat, is the only home computer external interface interface support hot plug, using USB interface can connect all peripherals, with proof design, will not be able to insert the reverse. LPT interface (vermilion): this interface has the most needle angle interface with a total of 25 pins. Can be used to connect the printer in connected after the rotation screw tightening on both sides of the interface (fixed method of other similar devices with the same accessories). COM interface (dark blue): the average distribution is below the parallel interface. The interface has 9 pins, also called serial port 1 and serial port 2. Can be connected to the game handle or tablet and other accessories. Line Out interface (light green): near the COM interface, through the audio line used to connect the speaker of the Line interface, the output of computer processing of a variety of audio signals. Line in interface (pale blue): the interface between Line Out and Mic, which means audio input interface, needs to be connected to ot


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