睡眠呼吸障碍与心律失常的临床探讨1(Clinical study of sleep disordered breathing and arrhythmia 1).doc

睡眠呼吸障碍与心律失常的临床探讨1(Clinical study of sleep disordered breathing and arrhythmia 1).doc

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睡眠呼吸障碍与心律失常的临床探讨1(Clinical study of sleep disordered breathing and arrhythmia 1)

睡眠呼吸障碍与心律失常的临床探讨1(Clinical study of sleep disordered breathing and arrhythmia 1) Clinical study of sleep disordered breathing and arrhythmia Li Lei, Su Jun, Zhong Liping [Abstract] Objective To investigate the rhythm of the heart in patients with respiratory dysfunction during hypoventilation Abnormal occurrence and clinical features of arrhythmias induced by different types of sleep disorders. Method 654 The patients were monitored by polysomnography (PSG) to observe the dynamic changes of the ECG and sleep apnea Clinical features of arrhythmias occurring when barriers are analyzed. Results arrhythmia occurred in the sleep disorder group Increased significantly, particularly in type OSAS sleep disorders. Conclusion sleep apnea is more serious, The higher the incidence of arrhythmia, the more it is necessary to apply antiarrhythmic drugs at this time Investigate further. Keywords sleep disordered breathing; arrhythmia; [Abstract] Objective, To, observe, the, relationship, between Obstructive, sleep, apnea, hypopnea, syndrome (OSAHS), and, various, kinds, of Cardiac arrhythmia. Methods 654 cases were examined with Polysomnography, and, electrocardiogram, while, 143, patients, re, examined With Holter electrocardiogram. 579, OSAHS, patients, were, divided, into Three, groups, according, to, their, apnea, types, while,, OSAHS, non Patients, were, served, as, controls., Results, Comparing, to, control, the Group, 各种OSAHS患者更多的心脏 心律失常,特别是房室传导阻滞 心动过速(/ KO。01)。结论OSAHS患者更 容易发生心律失常,有着密切的关系 他们之间。心律失常的患者可能受益 从OSAHS的治疗。 本研究对经多导睡眠图监测(多导睡眠图,PSG)患者,同时监测心电 图的变化,对其睡眠呼吸障碍时发生心律失常的临床特点进行研究。 1资料与方法 1.1一般资料回顾性分析654例患者经PSG监测后,诊断为睡眠呼吸障 碍者,资料见表心功能不全者采用超声心动图检查排除参加研究D 1。 1.2届(1)监测方法PSG检查采用psd-9600型多导睡眠分析仪,记 录时间6?8h,连续计算机回放分析,确认血氧、0sa次数,计算同机采AHI。 用PWTT指套式无创血压监测连续测量收缩压、舒张压,检查前、后手工测量血 压进行校正。PSG监测时要求睡眠时间占检查时间的80%以上。(2)采用心电 图记录导联位置是:胸导联VI?PSG记录夜间睡眠时,同步记录动态睡眠V5。 The status of heart rhythm, heart rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, electroencephalogram and other clinical PSG monitoring, [1]. (3) Inst



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