目前幼儿园户外体育活动中普遍存在的问题。(At present, there are many problems in kindergarten outdoor sports activities.).doc

目前幼儿园户外体育活动中普遍存在的问题。(At present, there are many problems in kindergarten outdoor sports activities.).doc

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目前幼儿园户外体育活动中普遍存在的问题。(At present, there are many problems in kindergarten outdoor sports activities.)

目前幼儿园户外体育活动中普遍存在的问题。(At present, there are many problems in kindergarten outdoor sports activities.) At present, there are many problems in kindergarten outdoor sports activities. First, the current outdoor sports activities in kindergartens widespread problems. (1) insufficient time for children to participate in outdoor sports activities. State Education Commission promulgated the kindergarten work charter clearly stipulates that childrens daily outdoor sports activities shall not be less than 1 hours.. And the guidelines for Kindergarten Education (Trial) also stipulates the kindergarten carry out rich and colorful outdoor games and sports activities, to cultivate childrens interest in participating in physical activities and habits, enhance physical fitness, improve the ability to adapt to the environment. It can be seen that childrens outdoor sports activities have been paid attention to by the national education department, and have been stipulated in the form of provisions. But in the survey found that many kindergartens organize outdoor sports activities time is insufficient. The main reasons are as follows: 1. The outdoor activities in kindergarten are limited, and each class takes turns to do outdoor sports activities, which leads to limited time for each class to participate in outdoor sports activities. 2, kindergartens carry out other activities, taking up the time of childrens outdoor sports activities. 3, teachers think that outdoor sports activities are difficult to manage children and arrange too many indoor activities. (two) childrens activities in outdoor sports are not enough. Outdoor sports involve a wide range of subjects, including basic gymnastics, basic exercises, games, exercises of various instruments, water activities, sunbathing and other forms. But some teachers understanding of the scope of the problem, the range of outdoor sports activities, the narrow, the scope is limited to playing toys, games and equipment in the process of activi


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