癌症只是慢性病(Cancer is only a chronic disease).doc

癌症只是慢性病(Cancer is only a chronic disease).doc

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癌症只是慢性病(Cancer is only a chronic disease)

癌症只是慢性病(Cancer is only a chronic disease) Professor He Yumin of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (I) 1, the surface is uneven, the edge is not clear, feel hard, has been growing melanoma 2, the East Sun City anti-cancer paradise 3, strategically despise it and tactically attach importance to it 4, the six major causes of cancer Cancer is eaten out (35% - 40%) Bad personality psychology (1/5) Environmental pollution: especially lung cancer Heredity: in some cancers, it can act as 5% - 10% High age groups: old age, children The wrong medicine 5, prevention of cancer should be good mouth (eat less oil, control calories food), correct the bad character, pay attention to the surrounding environment, eat less chemical drugs 6, smoking, long-term exposure to asbestos products - lung cancer, irregular life - stomach cancer, long-term eating barbecue, fast food - nasopharyngeal carcinoma 7, distinguish between good and evil: whether to feel smooth, elastic, can push? 8, the process of cancer progression can be prevented, cancer cells can sleep, but also self-healing The early symptoms of cancer: 9, tumor, mutation mole or warts, ulcer healing, choking and coughing up phlegm, poor food intake, anorexia, epigastric discomfort (emaciation), blood in the stool (continuous and shape), painless hematuria urination, nasal nasal secretions with blood, white with increased abnormal bleeding long term, low fever (positive for more than half a month, tired and thin (invalid) no obvious reason a month lost 5 pounds) 10 asparagus (two) cancer and character 1, perfectionism personality test: three normal, five items need attention, more than six perfectionism Im never satisfied with not being perfect I hope other people think I am the best one at any time I am not at ease when I think that something is not good enough A man must be very serious and responsible in order to get my respect I cant stand making mistakes on small issues I always feel around the people do not


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