百年明镜季羡老(Centennial mirror Ji Xianlao).doc

百年明镜季羡老(Centennial mirror Ji Xianlao).doc

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百年明镜季羡老(Centennial mirror Ji Xianlao)

百年明镜季羡老(Centennial mirror Ji Xianlao) Centennial mirror Ji Xianlao Liang Heng, peoples daily (July 14, 2009, 11 Edition) Mr. Ji Xianlin, 98, is leaving us. The first is at a meeting on 90s of last century award. The press and Publication Administration selects a national excellent book every two years. In the season, the judges sit in the first row, and I do something to announce who is talking and the like. He probably saw me an article, Ms. Li Yujie asked assistant to the right, I quickly stepped forward to salute him. After the meeting, I took some of my books to visit his residence in Peking university. Mr. house is in a very old campus north of the old building, he lived a long run park, No. 13. That day I wore the woods, over the bridge found downstairs, a driver is cleaning the car, said it was just here, but also out of spectators here yet. Room two sets, the left one is his guest room, bedroom and study, but this can only be called one of the study, mainly for writing prose essay. I gave it a name in my mind, prose bookstore. The famous cowshed is produced here. A sleep for several decades old iron bed, even with a coarse grass mat, ring wall rack is full of literary works, there are friends, students books. He is very serious, where the books sent by others, so that assistants carefully register, number, shelves. When the books are not available, send them to a special library prepared for him by the school. He got up at four every day and wrote on a small desk near the bed. This is his years of habit, the school all know, known as Peking University a lamp. Wait until the reception room is full of guests, Just get a little more familiar friend into the room. There is a spring festival I went to see him, met the Minister of education to Deputy Secretary of municipal Party committee and pay New Years call, for a while, he very patiently for me to study for a while, and not some big customers to borrow new old customers by means of walking. Considering his hi


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