男性健康需遵循十大关键词标准(Male health needs to follow ten keyword standards).doc

男性健康需遵循十大关键词标准(Male health needs to follow ten keyword standards).doc

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男性健康需遵循十大关键词标准(Male health needs to follow ten keyword standards)

男性健康需遵循十大关键词标准(Male health needs to follow ten keyword standards) Male health needs to follow ten keyword standards TOP.1 sub health List reasons: 90% white-collar sub-health Survey shows that the incidence of sub-health was between 45%-70%, which accounted for the state of health of the white-collar sub proportion is even higher, more than 70% have poor memory, forgetfulness, lack of energy concentration, nearly 90% had sleep disorders, such as insomnia, aches, weakness, fatigue, dizziness symptoms, neck stiffness, numbness etc. about 80% of the body, the body immunity, such as frequent colds and coughs, illness recovery is slow, easy to diarrhea and other conditions. Review expert: Wenzhou Jianguo Hospital, deputy director of the physician Cai Pingping Sub health is a temporary transition between human health and disease. In the sub-health state, although there is no organic lesions, but there are a lot of uncomfortable symptoms and experience, popular speaking, although these people are all kinds of laboratory tests are normal, but always feel uncomfortable. An integrated intervention in a sub-health state can restore health to the state of disease. In the sub healthy state of the first people to actively develop the law of self regulating, healthy lifestyle, proper aerobic exercise, to enhance immunity, maintain good mental state, relaxed attitude towards work and the challenges in life and learning, to gradually adapt to the society, and constantly improve their psychological ability. Secondly, we can go to the regular hospital for psychological treatment or autonomic nervous regulation, take relief of anxiety and depression of Chinese and Western medicine treatment or physical therapy. TOP.2 fatty liver List of reasons: 10 people, there are 2 people Fatty liver has become the second largest disease after viral hepatitis in China, 30 to 40 year old young men, 1/4 were diagnosed with fatty liver, with the increase of age, the risk of fatty liver is more and more



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