白酒产业资本运营七大企业培训模式(Liquor industry, capital operation, seven enterprises, training model).doc

白酒产业资本运营七大企业培训模式(Liquor industry, capital operation, seven enterprises, training model).doc

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白酒产业资本运营七大企业培训模式(Liquor industry, capital operation, seven enterprises, training model)

白酒产业资本运营七大企业培训模式(Liquor industry, capital operation, seven enterprises, training model) Review 11th Five-Year plan 5 years, many wine enterprises will have a feeling of high-level, think these 5 years wine industry evolution track is the most active period in history. In the process of liquor industry evolution, the influence of the power of capital operation on the pattern of liquor industry is becoming more and more obvious, and it plays a more and more important role in the liquor industry. At the same time, we have also seen a consensus of the market law: in the macro-economic growth and rapid development of the situation, many liquor companies in these 5 years have made considerable progress. Although the means and mode of capital operation of each enterprise is different, but relying on this model, every year the performance in achieving and maintaining a leapfrog growth, or for the sustainable growth of future performance to construct a large double platform. In view of this, this paper sums up the 7 critical modes of liquor industrys capital operation by combing and taking stock of the 5 years capital operation track of liquor industry. Mode 1: brand strategy driven mode In the past 5 years, a key point of capital operation is the strength of the brand is strong, with any one of the capital operation associated liquor enterprise without the brand influence, so in the process of docking with the capital, will produce great obstacles. So the brand of strong and weak, determines whether the driving capital to close themselves, which will dominate the capital paid more attention to the liquor business, and also a topic of liquor industry must pay attention to it in the capital operation on the road. Looking at the liquor companies operating capital, we found that, Every enterprise that has relations with capital, brand value is a key to the success of capital operation. Therefore, the brand strategy driven model is a core mode of capital operation, a mainstream


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