研究中国早期宗教的三个视角(Three perspectives on the study of early religion in China).doc

研究中国早期宗教的三个视角(Three perspectives on the study of early religion in China).doc

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研究中国早期宗教的三个视角(Three perspectives on the study of early religion in China)

研究中国早期宗教的三个视角(Three perspectives on the study of early religion in China) Jedi days pass Three perspectives on the study of early religion in China Liling (speech at Beijing Normal University in March 2, 2000) Why would I be enthusiastic about the religion of no one and who would not know the Chinese religion before the rise of Taoism? The reason is simple, one is my curiosity, and two is its importance. Curiosity does not have to be said. Where is it important? That is, the study of any culture can not be separated from its religious understanding. If you do not understand the religion of a nation, you can not understand the culture of a nation. The more ancient culture, this problem is more prominent (I remember Chavannes veteran, he seems to say something). In reading magazine, I wrote two small articles. I said, in twenty-first Century, for the rest of my time, I wanted to study the modernization of ancient china. It includes three small Title: Jedi, righteousness and fair, China characteristics are discussed. The first question is to discuss the characteristics of Chinese religious traditions. This is my two article for my book Chinese Fangshu test revised edition and Chinese art renewal test (Oriental Press, will write a preface, nature) with self advertising, so a little crazy (AD crazy). The former for art, the latter on witchcraft and etiquette. They form three different perspectives on my early religion in china. The story of Jedi day pass is to close under the language of chu. It is the origin of the weight, the division of heaven and earth to tell Li Zong bu a kind of official history, especially the origin (including Sima Qian this one source), so it is related to the principle of religion. Story to tell the truth is that religious functions of the early human was by the wizard as, later began to divide the day and the day: Officer officer officer, that is a kind of official history to Zong Bu, they are officials, agents of Babel tube; that is, our work



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