研究发现,颜色、气味等外界刺激都会影响人的梦境(Research has found that color, smell and other external stimuli can affect peoples dreams).doc

研究发现,颜色、气味等外界刺激都会影响人的梦境(Research has found that color, smell and other external stimuli can affect peoples dreams).doc

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研究发现,颜色、气味等外界刺激都会影响人的梦境(Research has found that color, smell and other external stimuli can affect peoples dreams)

研究发现,颜色、气味等外界刺激都会影响人的梦境(Research has found that color, smell and other external stimuli can affect peoples dreams) Research has found that color, smell and other external stimuli can affect peoples dreams Dreams have been studied for many years, and until now there has been no convincing conclusion that scientists are still studying the mechanisms of dreams and the phenomena that occur in dreams. Journalist, the father of a close childhood friend, lost his right eye in the fire, so he could only sleep with his eyes open. Once after falling asleep, my friend still walked back and forth in front of him after he fell asleep. As a result, he claimed he dreamed of a big worm jumping in front of his eyes. So what exactly does outside stimuli do to dreams? 1 old dreams, black and white, new dreams From 1915 to 1950 shows before and after doing investigation, most of the dreams are black and white; but the trend in the last century, in 60s a sudden reversal, later survey found that 83% of the dream in color. At the same time, colour films and televisions were replacing their black and white predecessors. This may provide an explanation for people dreaming from black and white to color. But differences in research methods make it difficult to draw a firm conclusion. The main problem is that at the beginning of researchers at noon asking subjects to dream, they may have forgotten the dream in color; and later researchers let the subjects woke up immediately wrote dream diary, such a vivid color may be remembered. In order to quell the dispute, London University of London (Eva Murzyn) the Mawson for the same group of test subjects also adopt two kinds of methods for testing. She knows the dreams of these people in two ways, one is to ask them questions at noon, and the other is to wake them up and write dream Diaries immediately. She found no obvious difference between the results obtained by the two methods. This result proves that previous studies were comparable, suggesting


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