知识资本(knowledge capital).doc

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知识资本(knowledge capital)

知识资本(knowledge capital) Knowledge capital and enterprise innovation [Abstract] the era of knowledge economy, knowledge capital has become the financial capital and labor capital, promote the continuous development of the enterprises of the third resources, economic growth more directly depends on the knowledge capital and knowledge capital operation. The transfer and appreciation of enterprise knowledge capital have high externalities, and it needs enterprise to manage effectively. Therefore, enterprises must meet the requirements of management in the era of knowledge economy, and establish a new management system of knowledge capital. Knowledge capital; enterprise management; innovation I. The challenge of knowledge capital to enterprise management innovation (1) the challenge of intellectual capital to top management. The theoretical innovation of knowledge capital lies in effectively revealing the interaction between knowledge capital and structural capital, and constructing the relation between knowledge capital and enterprise market value. With the increasingly clear relationship between enterprise knowledge capital and market value, enterprises have turned their attention to non direct investment, and the organizational knowledge and skill level of enterprises has become the focus of attention. So, the enterprise must establish a formal system to continue to examine and undermine the existing process, replaced by better process, at this time chief executive officer (CEO) must be done to destroy the president (CDO), in order to build a learning, can accelerate the development of innovative products and process system. Through institutional arrangements and organizational arrangements to promote the effective interaction between the accumulation of knowledge capital and structured capital, to transform it into brand and service, and to achieve its market value. (two) the challenge of each function of enterprise management based on operational level. In the era o


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