教师招聘试题之(理论教育学、心理学、新课程)(Teacher recruitment questions (theory, pedagogy, psychology, new curriculum)).doc

教师招聘试题之(理论教育学、心理学、新课程)(Teacher recruitment questions (theory, pedagogy, psychology, new curriculum)).doc

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教师招聘试题之(理论教育学、心理学、新课程)(Teacher recruitment questions (theory, pedagogy, psychology, new curriculum))

教师招聘试题之(理论教育学、心理学、新课程)(Teacher recruitment questions (theory, pedagogy, psychology, new curriculum)) Basic theory of education and teaching (pedagogy, psychology, new curriculum) First, pedagogy 1, pedagogy is a science that studies the phenomena of education and reveals the laws of education. 2, the annals of learning at the end of the spring and Autumn Period in China is the first monograph on education in the world. Ancient Rome Quintilianus speaker on education about three hundred years earlier. The main ideas are: step by step and Ling Shi Festival (embodies the principle of teaching step by step; ) but not pulls, strong but not anti, but not reaches (reflecting the heuristic teaching principle); teaching law embodies the Teaching benefits teachers as well as students. (the leading role of teacher unity with the role of student body phase). 3, 1632 Czech Comenius teaching is the first systematic exposition of modern education monograph. He put forward the class teaching system. 4, Deweys humanism and education emphasizes childrens center and puts forward the method of learning by doing, thus creating a modern educational group. 5, the Soviet Union Zankov teaching and the development of the students common development as the starting point and the home teaching. 6, the main idea of Bruners education process is the teaching method of structuralism and discovery. 7, the Soviet Union Su Hollinss teachers advice, the whole heart to the child, his work is known as living pedagogy and school life encyclopedia.. 8, the concept of Education: broad refers to social education, school education and family education three aspects; narrow sense refers to school education; partial meaning refers to ideological and moral education. 9, the social attributes of education are permanent, historic and relatively independent. 10, the teaching content of the school of feudal society of our country is: four books (the University, moderate, Analects of Confucius, Mencius); Five Classic


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