新人没有到达酒店前,现场准备工作经常出现的几个问题(New people do not arrive at the hotel before the site preparation work, often a few problems).doc

新人没有到达酒店前,现场准备工作经常出现的几个问题(New people do not arrive at the hotel before the site preparation work, often a few problems).doc

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新人没有到达酒店前,现场准备工作经常出现的几个问题(New people do not arrive at the hotel before the site preparation work, often a few problems)

新人没有到达酒店前,现场准备工作经常出现的几个问题(New people do not arrive at the hotel before the site preparation work, often a few problems) From experience, did not arrive in married couple in front of the hotel, the hotel preparation work is very important. Because once the couple and guests arrived at the hotel, the wedding is about to start. So, all the hotel need to get ready for the wedding in a very short period of time. But what people need to prepare the wedding, ready for anything, what time to prepare, are very important. At the wedding in practice, often exposed to the problems, these problems are likely to include the following aspects. I put these issues together to tell everybody, hope to avoid new. 1. the check-in desk staff arrive at the hotel too late. On the wedding day, the wedding hostess should arrive at the wedding ceremony almost 1.5----2 hours in advance, mainly to make adequate preparations. At this point, if a new person is well prepared, a friend who is in need should start working at the sign in desk. But often see the situation is, only a host person to the scene, new help to sign in Taiwan friends, do not know where. This allows the hosts preparations can not be carried out. The preparatory work of the host is an important work that involves the success and failure of the wedding. The staff of the check-in desk are not in place, and the host can not communicate with the preparatory work of the new people. Therefore, the new people must ask themselves to help friends, must be consistent with the host arrived at the scene or ahead of time. Its better to arrive at the wedding 2 hours in advance 2., the new wedding ceremony required items are not prepared The average wedding hostess, when planning a wedding, should propose or make a list of the items required for the wedding ceremony. The wedding morning arrived at the wedding, these items should be made by the desk staff, on time and according to the wedding. The wedding hostess can prepare the new peoples ar


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