教师必须懂得的12大心里效应(12 great psychological effects teachers must understand).doc

教师必须懂得的12大心里效应(12 great psychological effects teachers must understand).doc

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教师必须懂得的12大心里效应(12 great psychological effects teachers must understand)

教师必须懂得的12大心里效应(12 great psychological effects teachers must understand) 12 psychological effects teachers must understand 1, Rosenthal effect Rosenthal, an American psychologist, examines a school and randomly extracts 3 students from each class. A total of 18 people are written on a form and given to the president. It is very serious to say: these 18 students are scientifically tested and have a high IQ.. More than half a year, Roche also came to the school, we found that 18 students really extraordinary performance. The Rosenthal effect is the phenomenon of resonance in the expected mind. Apply to personnel management, it requires leadership to subordinates to emotional, hope and special induction, so that subordinates can play their own initiative and creativity. If a leader is assigned a task, he may say to his subordinate, I am sure you can do it well. I want to hear from you earlier. In this way, subordinates will develop in the direction you expect, and talent will be expected. 2, projective effect Projection refers to the fact that in interpersonal communication, a cognitive person makes an impression of others, always assumes that others have the same tendency as they do, and project their own characteristics onto others. The so-called to the hearts of small people, the degree of gentlemans belly, reflecting this projection is a side effect. The so-called transfinite effect refers to the stimulation too much, too strong or too long time, causing the psychological phenomenon of psychological extremely impatient or rebellious. Transformation of underachiever is not once for all, the Underachievers in general to go through the process of awakening, transformation, repetition, consolidation, stability, and again is the central link in the transformation, there will even be repeated several times larger. This is because these students willpower is not perfect, the self-restraint ability is relatively weak, in the face of the underachiever repeatedly, teachers ha


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