枸杞养生的正确吃法(The correct method of eating Chinese wolfberry).doc

枸杞养生的正确吃法(The correct method of eating Chinese wolfberry).doc

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枸杞养生的正确吃法(The correct method of eating Chinese wolfberry)

枸杞养生的正确吃法(The correct method of eating Chinese wolfberry) The correct method of eating Chinese wolfberry Chinese medicine has long been wolfberry health argument, so it is often regarded as nourishing, nursed back and anti-aging medicine. Many people love with medlar soaked in water or soup, wine, some people regardless of the consequence is to emulate, actually has wolfberry very good nourishing and treatment effect, but not suitable for all people, not just how to eat. Today, women will be pretty, just to tell you the correct way to eat Chinese wolfberry. Dont eat too much Now, many animal experiments on the toxicity of Lycium fruit prove that Lycium barbarum is a very safe food, which contains no toxins and can be eaten for a long time. But any supplements dont eat too much, medlar is no exception. Generally speaking, healthy adults eat about 20 grams of wolfberry every day is more appropriate; if you think of the effect of treatment, it is best to eat about 30 grams per day. Its better to chew directly Medlar water or soup, the effect does not fully play out. Due to the influence of water temperature and soaking time, only part of the medicinal ingredients of Lycium barbarum can be released into water or soup. Chewing directly with the mouth, the absorption of nutrients in the wolfberry fruit will be more fully, more conducive to play the health effect of Chinese wolfberry. But when chewing medlar should pay attention to, the best half in the quantity of food, or easy to excessive tonic. What kind of person is best for eating Chinese wolfberry? The most suitable for eating wolfberry is weak physique, poor resistance people. And, must insist for a long time, eat a little every day, can bear fruit. The weakness of the spleen and stomach cold dampness, diarrhea; pathogenic heat evil, do not eat the fruit of Chinese wolfberry, otherwise they will be one disaster after another. Wolfberry fruit warm body effect is quite strong, is a cold, fever, inflammation of the bo



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