枸杞子的功效及食用介绍(The effect of medlar and its food introduction).doc

枸杞子的功效及食用介绍(The effect of medlar and its food introduction).doc

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枸杞子的功效及食用介绍(The effect of medlar and its food introduction)

枸杞子的功效及食用介绍(The effect of medlar and its food introduction) The effect of medlar and its food introduction Northwest Qinghai Tibet specialty Guazhou medlar 400g Shelf life: 2 years Chinese wolfberry is a common nutritional tonic, in the common folk porridge, boil cream, wine or eaten together with other drugs, Chinese wolfberry food. Wolfberry is the highest level of nourishing people since ancient times. It has the effect of delaying senility and resisting senility. Therefore, it is also known as Lao Tzu. The vitamin C content in Chinese wolfberry is higher than that of orange, and the content of beta carotene is higher than that of carrot, and the iron content is higher than that of the steak. What is more attractive is that the aphrodisiac function of wolfberry is surprising. As a tonic for both medicine and food, Chinese wolfberry has many ways of eating. Wolfberry can be taken throughout the year, summer tea should be appropriate, but the following afternoon bubble drink is good, can improve the physique, conducive to sleep. It is important to note that wolfberry tea is not suitable for Green Tea collocation, together with the chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, bubble and Sterculia candy, computer eye strain is especially suitable for the family. Winter wolfberry should be porridge, it can match a variety of porridge, Chinese wolfberry stew lamb is also very suitable for winter consumption. Homemade cooking add wolfberry after a good taste, such as medlar sauteed mushrooms is a good color and taste of the vegetable dish. Wolfberry corn soup delicious taste and beautiful color. For women, often eat wolfberry, you can also play the effect of whitening beauty. Wolfberry Gan, Ping, liver kidney, nourishing the liver and kidney, Liver eyesight, often used with rehmannia, chrysanthemum, Chinese yam, Cornus medicine etc.. Chinese wolfberry is a treasure, medlar tonic spermatogenic, used medicinally or tea, wine, soup, such as drinking, can be physical fitness. The leaves, fl



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