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摘要: 随着幼儿教育科研管理的改革与发展, 教育科研工作已成为幼儿园重点工作之一, 通过教育科研提高教师素质、形成办园特色已经成为幼儿园的办园策略,“ 科教兴园”已逐渐成为幼教事业发展的必然趋势。教师参加教育科研不仅可以挖掘出有价值的科研课题,也是提升自身素质的有效途径。如何指导教师进行正确的教育科研?如何促进教师教科研水平和幼儿园教育质量提高……成为了我们迫切需要解决的问题。本文通过调查研究掌握当前幼儿园教育科研管理的基本现状,分析其优缺点,对新形势下幼儿园教育科研管理途径作初步探讨,试图找出较好的实现途径或建议。 关键词:幼儿教师;教科研;科教兴园 Abstract: With the reform of early childhood education and development of research management, education and scientific research work has become one of key nursery. The quality of teachers will be improved through the way of education and scientific research, which made the formation of characteristic office park which has become a strategy for kindergarten. “Developing kindergarten through science and education” has gradually become the inevitable trend of development. Teachers to participate in education and scientific research can not only dig out valuable research projects, but also an effective way to enhance their own quality. How to make the right instructor education and scientific research? How to promote teacher education and scientific research level and improve the quality of kindergarten education ... ... All above has become an urgent problem to be solved. In order to find the better approach, this paper tentatively discusses the management of education and research, through grasping the current management and analyzing its advantages and disadvantages. Key words: Preschool Teachers;ducation and Scientific research; Developing Kindergarten through Science and Education 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1课题背景及意义 1 1.2相关文献综述 1 1.3主要研究方法 2 2 幼儿园教科研管理现状中存在的问题分析 3 2.1幼儿园教科研管理中存在的问题 3 3 幼儿园教科研管理的改善措施 5 3.1构建科学的幼儿园教科研管理体系 5 3.2课题招标,全员参与,全面增强幼教的教科研意识 5 3.3设置教科研专栏与交流学习制度,实现资源共享 6 3.4分层推进,深入指导 6 4 结论 7 5 结束语 8 参考文献 9 附录 10 1 绪论 1.1课题背景及意义 2003年3月4日教育部《关于当前幼儿教育改革与发展的若干意见》[1]强调,为“全面实施素质教育,提高幼儿教育质量”,“幼儿园要建立促进教师专业水平不断提高的机制。要鼓励教师立足教育实践,开展日常教研活动,不断提高教师素质。”随着幼儿教育科研管理的改革与发展, 教育科研工作已成为幼儿园重点工作之一, 通过教育科研提高教师素质、形成办园特色已经成为幼儿园的办园策略,“科教兴园”已逐渐成为幼教事业发展的必然趋势。 教师参加教育科研不仅可以挖掘出有价值的科研课题,也是提升自身素质的有效途径。教室是实验室,教师作为实验者,要求能在日常工作中


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