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国际商务合同的文体与翻译 Style and Translation of International Business Contract Contents Section 3 Assignment 合同的转让是当事人一方将合同的权利和义务 的全部或部分转让给第三方。 A party assigns, wholly or in part, its contractual rights and obligations to a third party. 第三方是合同转让的受让人(assignee), 合同的转让是合同主体的变更。 Section 3 Assignment The creditor may transfer all or part of its rights in a contract to a third party, except in any of the following situations: The contract may not be transferred, according to its nature (根据合同性质不得转让) according to an agreement made by the parties (根据当事人约定不得转让) according to the provisions of laws (依据法律规定不得转让) Section 3 Assignment ※The transfer to a third party of all or part of the debtors obligations as prescribed in the contract shall be approved by the creditor. Section 3 Assignment Sino-foreign Joint Ventures 中外合资经营企业 Assignment Attentions Neither of the Parties hereto shall assign this contractual rights and obligations to a third Party unless prior consent of the other party is given in writing. 合同中应明确订有“除事先取得另一方的书面 同意外,任何一方均不得将本合同的权利与义务 转让给第三方”的限制性条款。 Attentions 2. No assignment shall be effective should there be any violation of the above stipulations. 对于未经对方同意,另一方单方面将合同转让给第三 方的情况,应约定“违反上述规定,其转让无效” Attentions 3. This Contract shall be binding upon the lawful successor or the legitimate assigns of either of parties hereto. On any such assignment, the assignee shall have all the rights and be subject to all the obligations of the assignor hereunder 本合同对双方当事人的合法继承人或受让人都有 约束力。转让后受让人享有让与人的一切权利, 并负担让与人的一切义务 Have a Try Have a Try Have a Try Have a Try Have a Try Have a Try Section 4 Warranty 陈述与保证条款 (Representation and Warranties ) 用以说明合同各当事人对保证合同得以顺利签订与履 行的某些基本事实做出陈述并保证其真实性、准确性、 完整性,对此陈述所做的保证在合同签订时做出,并 贯穿整个合同有效期。一旦合同某方行为与其在陈述 与保证条款中的陈述不符,须承担违约责任。 Section 4 Warranty 国际商务合同中的当事人可以在合同中约定 担保,担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任 In the contract the parties may agree to provide a guaranty. The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of guaranty S


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