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若干图像处理知识回顾 及应用分析 福州大学数学与计算机学院 陈昭炯 2016年4月6 日星期三 1 什么是数字图像 • 由小块区域(像素)组成的二维矩阵。将物理图像行列划 分后,每个小块区域称为像素 (pixel ) – 像素属性:位置和亮度(或色彩)。 • 灰度图像:像素的亮度(灰度值),范围:0-255 ,一个字节, 0-黑、255- 白,其它表示灰度级别。 • 像素分割的两个问题 – 像素数目 – 灰度值的度量 本质问题:连续-》离散 什么是数字图像 • 物理图像及对应的数字图像 什么是数字图像 • 灰度图像(128x128)及其对应的数值矩阵 (部分(26x31) ) 125,153,158,157,127, 70,103,120,129,144,144,150,150,147,150,160,165,160,164,165,167 ,175,175,166,133, 60, 133,154,158,100,116,120, 97, 74, 54, 74,118,146,148,150,145,157,164,157,158,162,165,171,155,115, 88, 49, 155,163, 95,112,123,101,137,108, 81, 71, 63, 81,137,142,146,152,159,161,159,154,138, 81, 78, 84,114, 95, 167, 69, 85, 59, 65, 43, 85, 34, 69, • Benchmark: Lena or Lenna – 0 dear Lena, – your beauty is so vast. – It is hard sometimes to describe it fast. – I thought the entire world I would impress if only your portrait I could compress. – Alas! – First when I tried to use VQ I found that your cheeks belong to only you. – Your silky hair contains a thousand lines hard to match with sums of discrete cosines. – And for your lips, sensual and tactual thirteen Crays found not the proper fractal. – And while these setbacks are all quite severe I might have fixed them with hacks here or there – But when wavelets took sparkle from your eyes I said, Skip this stuff. Ill just digitize. 什么是数字图像 彩色图像可以用红、绿、蓝三元组的二维矩阵来表示。 (207,137,130) (220,179,163) (215,169,161) (210,179,172) (210,179,172) (207,154,146) (217,124,121) (226,144,133) (226,144,133) (224,137,124) (227,151,136) (227,151,136) (226,


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