记忆类)各科数据总结(Memory class) summary of data).doc

记忆类)各科数据总结(Memory class) summary of data).doc

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记忆类)各科数据总结(Memory class) summary of data)

记忆类)各科数据总结(Memory class) summary of data) Memory class) summary of data Physiology (1) the blood system 1. The total number of white blood cells 20%~30% lymphocytes (97-18) with 2. Plasma total osmotic pressure approximately 7 atmospheres (ATM) (96-140) Equal to the osmotic pressure of 0.85NaCl 3. Volume RBC men 40~50% women 37%~48% 4. ESR male 0~15mm/h female 0~20mm/h 5. Hb men 120~160g/L women 110~150g/L 6. The bleeding time of 1~3 minutes (two) circulatory system 1. Every generation of lymph total approximately 2~4L (01-6) 2. Rapid ejection period accounted for the total shoot bleeding systolic injection volume 70% 3. Rapid filling period returned blood volume accounted for the total return volume diastolic 2/3 4. Pulmonary artery pressure in aortic pressure accounted for only 1/6 5. The ejection fraction (EF) 60% 6. CI3~3.5L/min M2 4L80 2L years old children 7. Systolic blood pressure (13.3~16.0kPa) 100~120mmHg 60 years old for 140mmHg Diastolic pressure 60~80mmHg (8~10.6kPa) Pulse pressure 30~40mmHg 8. CVP 4~12cmH2O 9. One side of the 70ml/ ventricular stroke volume 10. The coronary blood flow 225ml/min Accounting for the output of 4%~5% 11. Pulmonary blood volume 450ml, accounting for 9% of total blood 12. Cerebral blood flow 750ml/min, accounting for 15% of the output. 13. Brain O2 consumption accounted for all consumption amount of 20% O2 14. Renal blood flow 1200ml/min (two kidneys), accounting for output. (three) digestive system 1. The amount of 1~2L/ on the pancreatic pancreatic juice (96-10) with pH7.8~8.4 2. The volume of gastric juice 1.5~2.5L/ juice pH0.9~1.5 3. The mixed food emptying time 4~6 hours (four) respiratory system 1. Hb of arterial blood oxygen saturation (91-3 97%) (96-13) 2. The ventilation / perfusion ratio 0.84 3. O2 20ml/min and mmHg diffusion capacity difference The diffusion capacity of CO2 is 400ml/min to mmHg partial pressure difference Lung volume 4. Thoracic natural position accounted for 67% of the total lung (five) energy met



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