论文艺复兴时期的绘画特点(The characteristics of Renaissance painting).doc

论文艺复兴时期的绘画特点(The characteristics of Renaissance painting).doc

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论文艺复兴时期的绘画特点(The characteristics of Renaissance painting)

论文艺复兴时期的绘画特点(The characteristics of Renaissance painting) I. The Renaissance and its literary and artistic connotation. The meaning of the word Renaissance (Renaissance) is the meaning of rebirth. The main historical span is 15-18 centuries. It was first developed in Italy in the 14-15 century. Can be divided into the early Renaissance (fifteenth Century), the Great Renaissance (early 15-16 century) and the late Renaissance (from the middle of the sixteenth Century to the end), and later the Barok period. The Renaissance was a very important period in Europe, and it was a major new cultural movement. One of the most important achievements of the Renaissance is the discovery of human nature, is also put forward humanism and humanism, which is very important, it directly gives birth to the later Western capitalist enlightenment of democracy, equality and freedom of thought, and a fundamental change in the medieval God centered ideas, and back to the concept of respect for people. Two, humanism, painting, art, aesthetics and humanism are a great cultural movement. It makes culture and art move from the altar to the world, and from divinity to humanity. And humanisms Rational Reflection on art, in the aspect of painting, ushered in an artistic century of stars -- sixteenth Century. Finch, Michelangelo, Da? Rafael, Corey Gio, Titian (may nedjo) the emergence of a large number of outstanding artists of the Renaissance, which reached a glorious stage. (a) perspective perspective, namely in the two plane in space, a scientific method to deal with works of art with rational thinking in three dimensions, this is the Italy Renaissance artists both in theory and practice have a unique painting skills. It is the use of this technique, so that Haramoto Hirakinaos picture is full of vitality. It embodies the humanistic requirements, through the scientific method to depict the reality, focus on the expression of human nature, it is the Renaissance of art contribution period paintin



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