案例中西方对员工业绩评估的不同标准(Case study different standards for employee performance evaluation in China and the West).doc

案例中西方对员工业绩评估的不同标准(Case study different standards for employee performance evaluation in China and the West).doc

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案例中西方对员工业绩评估的不同标准(Case study different standards for employee performance evaluation in China and the West)

案例中西方对员工业绩评估的不同标准(Case study different standards for employee performance evaluation in China and the West) case A magazine international electronic world was what is the biggest obstacle to doing business in the global market in the world within the scope of the problem of international marketing personnel, in the inquiry, the 8 major obstacles listed, cultural differences are listed in the list. Intercultural issues have increasingly shown their importance and urgency. It is of great significance to analyze and study the cross-cultural management in transnational operation, whether it is for overseas managers in China or for Chinese enterprises to enter overseas markets and move towards internationalization. In order to confirm the different cultural background of population differences on the staff evaluation, and this difference reflects the cultural differences, the following 4 categories of employees do research, asked respondents to choose the most satisfactory in the eyes of your employees: A. employees volunteer to do a new job and do it well. B. employees volunteered for a new job, but failed to do it well. C. employees accept a new job passively and do it well. D. employees accept a new job passively but fail to do it well. To interview more than 100 Chinese graduate and undergraduate students and 72 foreign Chinese senior managers, 100% of people choose C as the most satisfactory employee, more than half of the Chinese managers think second satisfactory employee is D; and for the 32 foreign students and 2 American chief executive, they are a staff agreed that the most satisfactory, followed by the class B staff. Why are standards of judgment so different in employee evaluations? How do employees of multinational companies or foreign-funded enterprises do their job well? How can they express themselves and be appreciated by their employers? The answer lies in the difference of the eastern and Western cultures of the human resources management of the forei



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