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Situation Analysis 从1987年第一家肯德基在北京落户,到现在越来越多的肯德基店在中国各地陆续出现,它切割了中国快餐这个大蛋糕的一大块。为什么肯德基在中国能长久地占据中国市场,受中国年轻一族的青睐,下面本文就用SWOT的各个因素进行简略的分析。 From 1987 the first KFC in Beijing, settled, and now more and more KFC stores across China continue, Chinas fast food that it is cutting a large cake. Why is KFC in China can be a long time to occupy the Chinese market, favored by the Chinese young family, the following article on the various factors with a brief SWOT analysis. 1.内部优势(S) 肯德基产品已经实现了标准化和工业化,炸薯条和做汉堡等都有严格的工艺标准和调料,能够保证在不同的分店里,做出同一个味道来,从而保证了产品的品质。其次肯德基会平均每月推出两款新产品,新口味,从而能够吸引更多喜欢尝鲜的人的关顾。肯德基有统一的装修,统一的标志,统一的餐具,这些都大大提高了它在中国人心中的地位,起到了很好的品牌效应。 肯德基店内环境优雅,缓缓的音乐把气氛营造得很舒服,是人们闲聊,会友,生日聚会很好的选择。店内的服务也是一流的,员工都是微笑服务,以最快的速度送上顾客的点餐,并且不会打扰顾客用餐,直到顾客起身离开,员工才会以最快的速度收拾好餐桌。其次,肯德基店内有干净的洗手间,能够保证顾客在用餐过程中的诸多不便。1. internal strengths (S) ???? KFC products have achieved the standardization and industrialization, such as fries and burgers and have a strict process standards and spices, to ensure that the different branches, the taste to make the same, thus ensuring product quality. Second, the average monthly KFC will launch two new products, new flavors, which can attract more early adopters who care. Kentucky has a unified decoration, a sign of unity, unified tableware, which have greatly improved its position in the hearts of Chinese people, played a very good brand. Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant elegant environment, the music slowly create the atmosphere very comfortable, people chatting, friends, birthday party, a good choice. The service is first-class restaurant, the staff are smiling service, the fastest ordering customers to send and will not disturb the customer dining, until the customer got up and left, the staff will be the fastest packed table. Second, the KFC restaurant has clean toilets, to ensure that customers dining in the process of inconvenience. 2.内部劣势(W) 肯德基的食物烹制方法以油炸,油煎为主,而食物主要是鸡肉,因而食物结构具有高脂肪,高热量,低维生素,低纤维的特点,特别容易导致热量过剩从而造成肥胖。 肯德基的价位对于中国普通人来说,是蛮高的,人均消费在30元以上,普通城镇的居民一般消费


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