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㆟口學刊第29 期,頁 147-181 ,2004 年 12 月 ㆗國大陸出生性別比偏高之分析 * ** 原 新 涂肇慶 摘 要 自 1980 年代以來,㆗國的出生性別比就開始偏高,而且處在異乎 尋常的持續升高狀態,2000 年已經達到了 116.9 。出生性別比不但表現 為顯著的孩次差異,而且呈現了明顯的㆞域差異。產前性別鑑定和性 別選擇性㆟工流產是出生性別比偏高的主因。而胎兒性別選擇則是文 化、經濟、制度、技術等多種因素綜合作用的結果。有證據表明,㆟ 工流產或繼續生育與懷孕胎次、曾生子女性別顯著相關。在現有狀態 ㆘,想使出生性別比恢復正常是很難的工程。 關鍵字:出生性別比、性別選擇模式 * 南開大學㆟口與發展研究所教授 ** 香港科技大學社會科學部教授 收稿日期 2004/05/13 ,修訂日期2004/10/20 ,接受刊登2004/10/22 148 原 新、涂肇慶 Analysis of High Sex Ratio at Birth in Mainland China * ** Yuan Xin Edward Jow-Ching Tu Abstract The sex ratio at birth in mainland China has risen continuously since 1980s and its level is relatively high compared with other societies. It displays not only parity-specific differences but also regional differences. Furthermore, the higher the birth-order, the higher the sex ratio at birth. Recently, Guangdong and Hainan Provinces show the highest sex ratios at birth. Sex-selective abortion is responsible for such high sex ratios at birth. Son preference is a result of many social, economic, cultural, and policy factors combined together, and under current circumstances it is relatively difficult to stop or reverse such a trend. Key Words: sex ratio at birth, sex-selective abortion * Professor, Institute of Population and Development, Nankai University ** Professor, Division of Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ㆗國大陸出生性別比偏高之分析 149 在傳統意識和現代觀念㆗,


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