劳资谈判破裂 美国数万通用员工全国大罢工(Labor talks broke down and tens of thousands of general employees in the United States went on strike).doc

劳资谈判破裂 美国数万通用员工全国大罢工(Labor talks broke down and tens of thousands of general employees in the United States went on strike).doc

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劳资谈判破裂 美国数万通用员工全国大罢工(Labor talks broke down and tens of thousands of general employees in the United States went on strike)

劳资谈判破裂 美国数万通用员工全国大罢工(Labor talks broke down and tens of thousands of general employees in the United States went on strike) The United Auto Workers Union (UAW) and the negotiations on behalf of the enterprise, the largest American car manufacturer General Motors of the negotiations did not reach an agreement before the deadline, GMs 73 thousand employees from 24 noon start a nationwide strike. The US media said it was the first nationwide strike by the United States since 1976 over labor negotiations. A general auto production line in Canada has been closed and another 4 will be closed in the next few days, according to the Canadian Auto Workers association. The last big strike by the General Company was in 1998, when GMs production in North America was almost paralyzed. The duration of the strike is too long and is likely to be a major blow to the poor GM. [contradiction] Redundancy plan and health insurance fund issues 24 at noon EST 11 (Beijing time 23) just passed, GM has more than 1000 employees in the factory have been out of the Delta Township workplace, hold high the UAW strike slogan officially began the strike. The New York Times reported that the main contradiction between the two sides in the recent negotiations between the employers and employees was focused on the job security of the employees and the health insurance fund for employees. The General Company is currently working on a plan to lay off 20 thousand jobs by 2008, while the unions are finally breaking up in order to maintain employment stability and oppose redundancies. GM has been pushing for a trust fund known as the VEBA, which is responsible for the health care of employees and retirees and their families. Thus, GM could transfer its $51 billion medical care obligation to its trust fund to its non retired employees. US media reports say GM employs nearly 339 thousand retirees and their spouses. Although the two sides have reached a framework agreement on the establishment of a trust fund


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