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insular 海岛的(insul 岛) island 岛 岛屿 岛状物 安全岛 coral island 珊瑚岛 continental island 陆边岛 peninsula 半岛 islet 小岛 marine 海的 海上的 近海的 (mari 海)deanic Human beings are natural enemies of marine mammals. maritime 海的 海上的oceanic moist 湿润的 多雨的 damp humid ledge 暗礁 oasis 绿洲 The travellers were saved when they finally found an oasis. tide 潮汐 ebb 退潮 The water washed up on the shore, then slowly ebbed away. continent 大陆 terrestrial 领土的 terrestrial heat 地面干扰 terrestrial magnetism 地磁(学) outskirt 外边 郊区 surrounding region 地区领域 zone area field domain endemic 地方的 native This disease is endemic to the southerners, and will not spread in the cold north. cosmopolitan 全世界的global The farmer was unused(不习惯的) to the cosmopalitan ways of life in a large city. subterrane 地下 underground subterranean 地下的 cavern 大山洞 cave 洞 Inside the cavern were the remnants of an ancient fire. flaw 裂隙 The flaw in your theory is that you didnt account for the gravity. cleft 裂缝 crevice crevice 裂缝 破口 rift slit The rain came in through a crevice in the cabin wall. gap 裂口 opening Generation gap lies between parents and children. zone 带 region area time zone 时区 equator 赤道 It is warmer near the equator. longitude 经度 altitude (海拔)高度 高处 latitude 纬度 meridian 子午线 正午 subsidiary 支流 branch He followed the subsidiary to trace its origin. Antarctic 南极的 南极地带的 Antarctica 南极洲 Arctic 北极的 北极区的 北极 北极圈 coastland 沿海岸地区 hemisphere 半球 contour 轮廓 海岸线 outline profile(tour 旅行) The artist accentuated the models contours. geography 地理学 地理 horizon 地平线 lowland 低地 苏格兰低地 低地的 plain 平原 草原 strait 地峡 海峡 channel 海峡 水道 沟 valley 谷 流域 volcano 火山 plateau 高原 basin 盆地 The Amazon basin covers a vast amount of land. navigation 航海 ranges 射程表尺数 salinity 盐分 盐度 sediment 沉淀物 沉积 elevation 高地 正面图 海拔 formation 形成 geothermy 地热 terrain 地形 topography 地形学 tropical 热带的 trop


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