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23 2 Vol.23 No.2
2011 2 Journal of Computer-Aided Design Computer Graphics Feb.2011
1) 2) 1)*
卫飞飞 周 飞 冯结青, ,
1)(CAD CG 31005 )
2 )( 650223)
(jqfeng @)
.Bernstein 、CAGD CG
.CAGD CG Bernstein 、
、, .
:Bernstein ;;;
Survey of Real Root Finding of Univariate Polynomial Equation in CAGD CG
1) 2) 1)*
Wei Feifei , Zhou Fei , and Feng Jieqing
1)(S tate K ey Laboratory of CAD CG, Zhej iang Un iversity , Hangz hou 31005 )
2 )(D igita l Med ia Laboratory , E le troni Comp uting Center of Yunnan Prov in e, Yunnan University , K unming 650223)
Abstract:M any basic algorithms in the field of CAGD CC can be reduced to the problems of root
finding of univariate polynomials.In the early years of CAGD CG, this problem is solved by
converting to pow er basis for root finding, since many algorithms in pow er basis have been w idely
used.How ever, root finding algorithms for polynomials in Bernstein form are getting more and more
attractive for their numerical stability and intuitive geometric significance.In this survey, different
root finding algorithms for univariate polynomial in both power and Bernstein forms are introduced,
analyzed and compared in terms of theoretical basis, numerical robustness and computational
efficiency .M eanw hile, suggestions on how to select suitable algorithm are given.
Key words:Bernstein basis function;pow er basis function;univariate polynomial equation;root finding
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: 2002 5000
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:2010-07-0 ;:2010-09-27.:;“”
(2009CB320 01).(19 2—), , , (w eifeifei@); (1