音乐-巴洛克时期意大利歌曲的风格特征探究(Music -- a study of the style features of Italy songs in Baroque).doc

音乐-巴洛克时期意大利歌曲的风格特征探究(Music -- a study of the style features of Italy songs in Baroque).doc

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音乐-巴洛克时期意大利歌曲的风格特征探究(Music -- a study of the style features of Italy songs in Baroque)

音乐-巴洛克时期意大利歌曲的风格特征探究(Music -- a study of the style features of Italy songs in Baroque) [Abstract] an important period in the history of western music Baroque period was marked by the birth of Italy opera. The outstanding repertoire of Italy opera has been the classical art in this period. These songs can be regarded as an exotic flower in the world vocal works, although it has 300 years of history, but still has the distinctive characteristics of the theme of humanity; beautiful, smooth melody; piano accompaniment body and singing style is concise, simple; beautiful, lyrical characteristics of love around the world music lovers and singers. These songs are of great value in todays vocal music teaching. Baroque; opera; aria; stylistic features Baroque (Baroque) comes from Portuguese barroco, meaning deformed Pearl. In the history of music, the history of the European music, which was born from the 1600 of the opera to the death of John Sebastian Bach in 1750, is called the Baroque period, and also the transition from the early music to the modern music. During this period, the emergence of a large number of outstanding composers such as Monte Verdi, A Scarlatti and Handel Caccini, etc., they created a large number of classic songs in Italy. These works not only reflected the advanced ideas, but also has many merits in the writing skills of vocal music, vocal music people feel to open a new hearing, which we now call the standard of aesthetic art song classical beauty. At present, Baroque Italy songs have become the preferred teaching materials for vocal music teaching in domestic and foreign music colleges and universities. Therefore, it is of great aesthetic value and practical significance to study the style features of Italy songs in this period. I. humanism of subject content During the Baroque period, the greatest achievements of vocal music were achieved: the separation of vocal music from religion, and the tendency of secularization and humanization of vocal m


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