音响知识完全手册(完整版)(A complete handbook of sound knowledge (Complete Edition)).doc

音响知识完全手册(完整版)(A complete handbook of sound knowledge (Complete Edition)).doc

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音响知识完全手册(完整版)(A complete handbook of sound knowledge (Complete Edition))

音响知识完全手册(完整版)(A complete handbook of sound knowledge (Complete Edition)) A complete handbook of sound knowledge (Complete Edition) Full manual, audio, knowledge Complete Handbook of sound knowledge (Complete Edition) complete handbook of sound knowledge (Complete Edition) 1, speakers It is a device to restore electrical signals to acoustic signals, and the reduction of authenticity will be an important criterion for evaluating the performance of loudspeakers. An active speaker is a speaker system with a power amplifier (i.e., power amplifier). The power amplifier and speaker system as a whole, can be directly with the general source (such as a walkman, CD, DVD and VCR) collocation, constitute a complete set of sound combination. There is no need to purchase another active speaker, power amplifier, amplifier and loudspeaker selection is no longer worry about the operation is simple, its high price performance ratio, which is generally accepted wage earners. In accordance with the principle of sound and internal structure, speakers can be divided into inverted phase, closed type, flat type, horn type, labyrinth type and so on, of which the most important forms are hermetic and inverted phase. Closed speakers are installed in the enclosed box speakers, the efficiency is relatively low; and reverse phase speakers and its difference is that in front or rear panels are equipped with a circular reverse phase hole. It works according to the principle of the Herm Holtz resonator. It has high sensitivity, great power and wide dynamic range. Because the sound on the back of the speaker is also released from the guide hole, the efficiency is higher than the closed case. And with a loudspeaker mounted in the appropriate inverted box will be 3dB higher than the low frequency installed in the closed box of the same volume has been, is beneficial to the low-frequency part of the performance, so this is an important reason to pour the popular box. 2, power There is no direct relatio


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