音乐词典44060(Music dictionary 44060).doc

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音乐词典44060(Music dictionary 44060)

音乐词典44060(Music dictionary 44060) Shudao difficult, almost inaccessible. I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea。 Behind more than or no way to forget, front back. Chant a word, twist the number of broken stems. The wood Spring opens, and the spring flows slowly. Vibration Vibration Sound sound Tone Sound (Le Yin) Musical tone Music Noise noise Acoustics acoustics Psychoacoustics Psychoacoustic Frequency frequency Intensity Strength Time time Wave form wave form Pitch pitch Loudness loudness Duration When Timbre timbre Tuning fork tuning fork Pure tone pure tone Complex tone Diplophonia Overtone (s) Overtone Overtone series Overtone column Partial (s) Tone Fundamental Pitch Step Sound level Accidental (s) Diacritical mark Sharp A Flat Flat Double-sharp double sharp Double-flat double flat Nature Restore number Intonation Intonation Octave Octave Range Baidu Register Register Small C Small group C Great C Big character group C Contra C Large group of two C Unaccented octave Small group One-lined octave A group of words Two-lined octave two-line Three -lined octave Three small group Four-line octave Four small group Temperament Temperament Tempered scale Law of averages Just intonation Pure law Pitch name Name Enharmonic notes Enharmonic Tone Tone Half-tone Semitone Natural half-tone Diatonic Semitone Natural tone Natural tone Chromatic tone Change of tone Chromatic half-tone Chromatic Semitone Notation Notation Staff Music Treble clef Treble clef Bass clef Bass clef Clef Clef Note (s) note Rest (s) Rest Breve Two total note Semibreve Whole note Minim Two note Crotchet Four note Quaver Eight note Semiquaver Sixteen note Demisemiquaver Thirty-two note Hemidemisemi quaver Sixty-four note Dot Dotted Double dot Double dot Dotted note Dotted notes Dotted rest Dotted rest Score Score Leger line (s) ledger line Head heads of musical notes Stem Stem Hook Fu tail (tail) Space between Line Line T


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