cad命令及特殊字符(CAD commands and special characters).doc

cad命令及特殊字符(CAD commands and special characters).doc

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cad命令及特殊字符(CAD commands and special characters)

cad命令及特殊字符(CAD commands and special characters) Class not, letter 1, object characteristics Simplify command commands, full name comments, shortcut keys ADC *ADCENTER (Ctrl2 design center) CHMO *PROPERTIES (Ctrl1) modified features) MA *MATCHPROP (property matching) ST *STYLE (text style) BR p COL *COLOR (setting colors) LA *LAYER (layer operation) LT *LINETYPE (linear) LTS *LTSCALE (linear scale) LW *LWEIGHT (Xian Kuan) UN *UNITS (graphic unit) ATT *ATTDEF (property definition) ATE *ATTEDIT (edit properties) BO *BOUNDARY (boundary creation, including creation of closed polyline and surface domains) AL *ALIGN (align) EXIT *QUIT (exit) EXP *EXPORT (output other format files) IMP *IMPORT (input file) OP PR *OPTIONS (custom CAD settings) PRINT *PLOT (print) PU *PURGE (garbage removal) R *REDRAW (regenerate) REN *RENAME (rename) SN *SNAP (capture grid) DS *DSETTINGS (set pole tracking) OS *OSNAP (set capture mode) PRE *PREVIEW (print preview) TO *TOOLBAR (toolbar) V *VIEW (named view) AA *AREA (area) DI *DIST (distance) LI *LIST (display graphic data information) Posts 108 points 352 prestige 261 money 906 view details TOP Wangzufa Private Send short message to friend 6#, medium and small, published in 2007-7-25, 19:20, only to see the author 2, drawing commands: PO *POINT (DOT) L *LINE (straight line) XL, *XLINE (Ray) PL *PLINE (polyline) ML *MLINE (multiline) SPL *SPLINE (spline curve) POL *POLYGON (regular polygon) REC *RECTANGLE (rectangle) C *CIRCLE (round) A, *ARC (ARC) DO *DONUT (Yuan Huan) EL *ELLIPSE (ellipse) REG *REGION (face area) MT *MTEXT (multiline text) T *MTEXT (multiline text) B *BLOCK (block definition) I *INSERT (insert block) W *WBLOCK (defining block files) DIV *DIVIDE (equal division) ME *MEASURE (fixed distance equal) H *BHATCH (fill) Posts 108 points 352 prestige 261 money 906 view details TOP Wangzufa Private Send short message to friend 7#, medium and small, published in 2007-7-25, 19:20, only to see the author 3, modify the command: CO *COPY



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