[专稿]感受欧洲的交通(Feel the traffic in Europe).doc

[专稿]感受欧洲的交通(Feel the traffic in Europe).doc

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[专稿]感受欧洲的交通(Feel the traffic in Europe)

[专稿]感受欧洲的交通(Feel the traffic in Europe) Feel the traffic in Europe Feel the traffic in Europe, Liu Wan Liu To go abroad to interview, first of all, on foot, from one country to another, one city to another city, traffic should be the first feeling. The European transport to the persons feeling is quite complex, is a mixture of love and hate, is quite intertwined. High speed road by aging All roads lead to Rome, in Europe it is not only an adjective, high-speed road accessible, the European countries on the size of the city as a whole, driving convenience as in a flow state. We happened to be on the right way to Rome - Rome to Milan at highway A1. The national trunk road from the peninsula to the Italy Alps, the city like grapes like together, along the mountains, Lake Biye, chic castles, churches and small cottages embellishment in the mountain, idyllic scenery with the ancient road, very harmonious. This route Americans built in 1950s, compared with many thousand years old city, she is really young, but according to the life of high-speed road, it is the age. Guardrail unequal height, the road full of patches, narrow road, bend many, compared to the domestic young broad road, she is covered with vicissitudes of life, but also do not have a charm. Maintenance is required to do homework every year, four and May is the rainy season, the rainy season after the road, to meet the seven and August tourist season. When we arrived, the annual maintenance was just over, and only a few sections were still closed. The road sections were full of reminder marks that did not affect traffic. Driver Xiao Song said that the annual maintenance investment funds can be built several high-speed road. Europes highway is always old, the facilities are intact, the road is full of signs, illustrations, intuitive and clear, only six commonly used, and seventy, to tell you what facilities in front of the site, what should pay attention to?. There are flashing yellow lights warning in front of


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