中西封建文化研究对比(A contrastive study of Chinese and Western feudal culture).doc

中西封建文化研究对比(A contrastive study of Chinese and Western feudal culture).doc

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中西封建文化研究对比(A contrastive study of Chinese and Western feudal culture)

中西封建文化研究对比(A contrastive study of Chinese and Western feudal culture) Institutions, institutional change and social development -- Comparative Study of Western feudal society ma ke Yao [date: 2009-06-18] source: Author: Guo Jingsheng [font: large, medium, small] System, institutional change and social development Chinese feudal society -- Comparative Study of Ma Ke Yao College of history and culture, Guo Jingsheng Since modern times, the development of social history in China and the West has shown great differences, and the development path is quite different. The western world took the lead in the rise, from the dark feudal society in the Middle Ages into the capitalist society with rapid economic development, and carried out colonial expansion all over the world, and plundered the raw materials needed for economic development. This includes the expansion of crime against China, which puts China in a period of extreme poverty and development. At this time, most of the eastern countries remained in the backward feudal economic system, and the national autocratic system restricted economic development and social progress. The difference between Chinese and western social development attracts many scholars to think, and explains the differences between China and Western countries from the perspectives of history, institution, economics and sociology. I. A Survey of explanatory perspectives There are a lot of academic works to discuss the reasons for the rise of the western world, and the key point of view is the new institutional economics. These documents only analyze the reasons for the development of Western society, but not from the perspective of the comparison of countries around the world to explore what is pregnant with development. First, from the new institutional economics research on the rise of the western world is North, he believed that the reason of the rise of the western world is the western society appeared efficient institutional arrangement of pr



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