中餐翻译及地址翻译62395(Chinese translation and address translation 62395).doc

中餐翻译及地址翻译62395(Chinese translation and address translation 62395).doc

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中餐翻译及地址翻译62395(Chinese translation and address translation 62395)

中餐翻译及地址翻译62395(Chinese translation and address translation 62395) .txt marriage is like wearing a cotton padded coat for free. It is not convenient to move, but it will be very warm. Falling in love is like peeling onions. Theres always a layer of tears going on. Four formulas for Chinese menus turned into English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self translation network Restaurant English mainly includes daily conversation, cooking techniques and Chinese English menus, among which Chinese and English menus are most commonly used. The translation of Chinese menu into English, you must first understand the composition of Chinese dishes and naming methods. The names of Chinese dishes are usually made of raw materials, cooking methods, food color fragrance shape, dishes or the birthplace of a founder. This kind of naming method which reflects the content and characteristics of the food is called realistic naming method. In addition, it has the enjoyable naming method which reflects the profound meaning of the dishes. Due to the great differences between Chinese and English, we at the time of the names of Chinese dishes by Chinese translated into English, should adopt realistic nomenclature, as raw materials, cooking methods, food dishes taste type translated, so that guests at a glance. In order to give you a better grasp of the names of Chinese dishes will be translated into English skills, the author makes some summed up in translation formula (in English control) is introduced as follows, for your reference. I. The translation method starting with the main material 1., introduce the main ingredients and accessories: Formula: main material (shape) (with) accessories Example: chicken cubes with almond almond minced chicken Beef tofu beef with beancurd Scrambled egg with tomato Scrambled Eggs with Tomato 2. introduce the main ingredients and flavor of the dishes: Formula: main ingredients (in) (with), flavor juice Example



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