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20 10 3 27 2 M ar. 20 10 CHEM ICAL INDU STRY AND ENG INEER ING V o l. 27 N o. 2 : 1004 - 9533( 20 10 02- 0110 - 07 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 袁俊生 , 纪志永 , 陈建新 ( 1. , 300 130; 2. , 300130 : 海水是化学矿物资源的宝库当今世界, 人口资源和环境危机时刻威胁着人类的生存, 发 取之不尽的海洋资源受到人们的高度重视本文分析了海水化学资源种类及储量 发的必要性 及其与海水淡化海洋化工产业的关联度; 详细综述了从海水中提取钠钾溴镁锂和铀等元素的 技术进展和发展趋势; 提出了海水化学资源综合利用新流程, 并通过工程实例对新流程的技术经济 状况进行了评价 : 海水化学资源; 综合利用; 技术进展; 效益分析; 前景展望 : P746 : A Progress ofUtilization of Chem ical Resources in Seawater 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 YUAN Junsheng , JI Zh iyong , CHEN Jianx in ( 1. Engin eering R esearch C enter of Seaw aterU t ilizat ion T echnology of M in istry of E du cation, T ianjin 300 130, Ch ina; 2. H ebei U n iversity of T echnology, T ianjin 300130, C h ina Abstract: Seaw ater is the huge reservo ir o f chem ical m ineral resources. W ith the pressure o f popu lation, resources and env ironm ent, the exp loitation o f the oceanic resources is pa id m ore atten tion to. T he cate gory and reserves of the chem ica lm inera l in the seaw ater, the necessity of ut ilization, and the corre lativity of the exp lo iture o f m arine chem ica l resources w ith the seaw ater desalination and the m arine chem ica l in dustry w ere discu ssed in the paper. T he progress of ex tract ing sodium, potassium, brom ine, m agnesium and


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