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一、TR069错误码 ACS错误代码 错误代码 描述 服务端/客户端 8000 Method not supported [不支持止方法] 服务端 8001 Request denied (no reason specified) [拒绝请求(没有任何理由指定)] 服务端 8002 Internal error [内部出错] 服务端 8003 Invalid arguments [无效参数] 客户端 8004 Resources exceeded [资源超出范围] 服务端 8005 Retry request [重试请求] 服务端 8800 – 8899 Vendor defined fault code [供应商定义的错误代码] CPE 错误代码 错误代码 描述 服务端/客户端 9000 Method not supported [不支持止方法] 服务端 9001 Request denied (no reason specified) [拒绝请求(没有任何理由指定)] 服务端 9002 Internal error [内部出错] 服务端 9003 Invalid arguments [无效参数] 客户端 9004 Resources exceeded (when used in association with SetParameterValues, this MUST NOT be used to indicate parameters in error) [资源超出范围(使用时,与SetParameterValues ,这 绝不能用来表明参数错误)] 服务端 9005 Invalid parameter name (associated with Set/GetParameterValues, GetParameterNames, Set/GetParameterAttributes, AddObject, and DeleteObject) [无效的参数名称(与 Set/ GetParameterValues , GetParameterNames ,Set/ GetParameterAttributes , AddObject和DeleteObject 相关)] 客户端 9006 Invalid parameter type (associated with SetParameterValues) [无效的参数类型(与SetParameterValues 相关 )] 客户端 9007 Invalid parameter value (associated with SetParameterValues) [无效的参数值(与SetParameterValues 相关)] 客户端 9008 Attempt to set a non-writable parameter (associated with SetParameterValues) [试图修改一个不可写的参数(与SetParameterValues 相关 )] 客户端 9009 Notification request rejected (associated with SetParameterAttributes method) [通知请求被驳回(相关SetParameterAttributes方法)] 服务端 9010 Download failure (associated with Download, TransferComplete or AutonomousTransferComplete methods) [下载失败(与Download, TransferComplete或AutonomousTransferComplete方法 相关)] 服务端 9011 Upload failure (associated with Upload, TransferComplete or AutonomousTransferComplete methods) [上传失败(与Upload,TransferComplete或AutonomousTransferComplete 方法 相关)] 服务端 9012 File transfer server authentication failure (associated with Upload, Download, TransferComplete or AutonomousTransferComplete methods) [文件传输服务器认证失败(与Upload,Download, TransferComplete或AutonomousTransferC


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