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Chapter 2. Nutritional Value of Foods 各 类 食 品 的 营 养 价 值 食品的营养价值(nutritional value) 是指某种食品所含营养素和热能满足人体需要的程度。取决于营养素的种类、数量、相互比例及消化吸收率。 Nutrition value is degree or percentage of nutrients and energy in food that can meet human requirement. It rests with the kinds, quantity, proportion and absorption rate of nutrients. Assessment of food nutritional value: The kind and quantity of nutrients :analysis, food composition (化学分析、仪器分析、食物成分表) The quality of Nutrients: the rate of absorption and availability (吸收利用率 : BV,NPU,PER) Change during cooking and processing: loss 营养质量指数(index of nutrition quality, INQ) 某营养素密度 某营养素含量/该营养素供给量 INQ=——————=———————————— 热能密度 所产生热能/热能供给量标准 食物的营养价值(成年男子轻体力劳动) CEREAL GRAINS 1、结构与营养成分 (structure and composition) bran 纤维素和半纤维素 5%  蛋白质、脂肪、B族维生素 aleurone layer 蛋白质、磷、B族维生素 8% endosperm 淀粉,蛋白质  83% germ 蛋白质、脂肪、可 2-3% 溶性糖和B族维生素        2.营养价值(nutritional value ) They provide us with a majority of our food calories and about half of protein. Protein     7.5~15% EAA不平衡 BV偏低 Carbohydrates 淀粉 90%   >70%     单糖 10%   Fat 不饱和脂肪酸      1~4% lay in germ and bran mainly Mineral (P,Ca), 1.5~3%  lay in bran and aleurone layer Vitamins B vitamins (thiamin,riboflavin,niacin)    lay in aleurone layer and germ   The nutritional value of cereal products varies with the part of grain that is used and the method of processing, cooking. 3.烹调、加工与贮存的影响 Effect of cooking, processing and storage 出粉率对面粉维生素的影响 烹调方式的影响:B族维生素保存率(%) 3. 贮存对谷物营养价值的影响 含水量


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