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张弸中 整理
replica n. 复制 copy.
armada n. 舰队 fleet of warships.
agenda n. 议程 items of business at a meeting.
panacea n. 包治百病的药,灵丹妙药 cure-all; remedy for all diseases.
saga n. 斯堪的纳维亚的传说;传奇 Scandinavian myth; any legend.
phobia n. 恐怖 morbid fear.
xenophobia n. 惧外的 fear or hatred of foreigners.
acrophobia n. 恐高症 fear of heights.
hydrophobia n. 恐水症;狂犬病 rabies; fear of water.
claustrophobia n. 幽闭恐怖症 fear of being locked in.
nostalgia n. 想家;乡愁 homesickness; longing for the past.
paraphernalia n. 琐碎的东西;零碎的随身物品 equipment; odds and ends.
anemia n. 贫血 condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles.
insomnia n. 失眠 wakefulness; inability to sleep.
paranoia n. 妄想狂;偏执狂 psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution.
cornucopia n. 象征丰饶的羊角 horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance.
utopia n. 乌托邦 ideal place, state, or society.
aria n. 清唱剧 operatic solo.
euphoria n. 非常愉快;病态的愉快,愉悦症 feeling of great happiness and well-being (sometimes
aphasia n. 失声 loss of speech due to injury or illness.
amnesia n. 失忆,健忘 loss of memory.
intelligentsia n. 知识分子;知识界 the intelligent and educated classes [often used derogatorily].
spatula n. 压舌板;抹刀;批灰刀 broad-b