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第 15 卷第4 期 地学前缘( 中国地质大学( 北京) ; 北京大学) Vol. 15 N o. 4
2008 年7 月 Eart h Science Front ier s ( Chin a Univer sit y of Geosci ences, Bei ing; Peking Univer sit y) J ul. 2008
中国西秦岭碎屑锆石U2Pb 年龄及其构造意义
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3
陈岳龙 , 李大鹏 , 周 建 , 张宏飞 , 刘 飞 , 聂兰仕 , 蒋丽婷 , 柳小明
11 中国地质大学( 北京) 地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083
21 中国地质大学( 武汉) 地球科学学院, 湖北 武汉430074
31 西北大学 大陆动力学重点实验室, 陕西 西安7 10069
1 1 1 2 1 1
Ch en Yuelon g , Li Dap en g , Zh ou Jian , Zh an g H on gfei , Liu F ei , Nie Lan sh i ,
1 3
Jiang Lit in g , Liu Xiaomin g
11 School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences(Beij ing) , Beij ing 100083, China
21F aculty of Earth Sciences, China Univer sity of Geosciences(Wuhan) , Wuhan 430074, China
31K ey aboratory of Continental Dynamics, N orthwest Univer sity, Xipan 7 10069, China
Chen Yuelong, Li Dapeng, Zhou Jian, et al1 U2Pb ages of zircons in Western Qinling Mountain, China, and their tectonic im2
plications1 E ar th Science F ront iers , 008, 15( 4) :0882 107
Abstract: Th e W est er n Qin lin g M ount ain is th e w estwar d ext en sion of th e E ast ern Qinlin g Mount ain , wh ich
connect s th e North Ch in a cr aton , t he Qilian and Qaidam, and th e Songp an2 Ganzi block on t he north , on th e
west , and on th e south , resp ectively1 Clast ic sediment a ry rocks of Pr ecambr ian to T riassic age from th is region
are stu died in th is art icle1 Detrit al zir cons w ere extract ed from the sediment ary rocks for U2 Pb dat ing thr ou gh