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ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW E-mail: jos@
Journal of Software, Vol.17, No.3, March 2006, pp.422?433
DOI: 10.1360/jos170422 Tel/Fax: +86-10? 2006 by Journal of Software. All rights reserved.
任 彦+, 张思东, 张宏科
(北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院,北京 100044)
Theories and Algorithms of Coverage Control for Wireless Sensor Networks
REN Yan+, ZHANG Si-Dong, ZHANG Hong-Ke
(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)
+ Corresponding author: Phn: +86-10 E-mail: yren@,
Ren Y, Zhang SD, Zhang HK. Theories and algorithms of coverage control for wireless sensor networks. Journal of Software, 2006,17(3):422?433. /1000-9825/17/422.htm
Abstract: One of the most fundamental problems in wireless sensor networks is the coverage control problem, which reflects how well a region is apperceived. The coverage control theories and algorithms can result in not only network resources’ optimial allocation but also efficient sensing and collecting of the environmental information, and communicating with neighboring nodes by wireless sensor networks. In this paper, the coverage control problem is captured. Some recent novel theories and algorithms for wireless sensor networks coverage control problems are reviewed, and the taxonomy is described. More specifically, several typical algorithms and protocols are discussed in detail. In the end, advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms are summarized. The open research issues in this field are also pointed out.
Key words: wireless sensor networks; coverage control; energy efficiency; algorithm
摘 要: 覆盖控制作为无线传感器网络中的一个基本问题,反映了网络所能提供的“感知”服务质量,可以使无线传感器网络的空间资源得到优化分配,进而更好地完成环境感知、信息获取和有效传输的任务.立足于无线传感器网络的覆盖控制问题,分类总结了近年来提出的各种覆盖控制问题的思想和有代表性的研究成果,着重讨论了一些典型的无线传感器网络覆盖控制算法与协议.最后进行了各种算法的比较性总结,深入分析了目前无线传感器网络覆盖控制亟待解决的问题,并展望了其未来的发展方向.
关键词: 无线传感器网络;覆盖控制;能量有效;算法
中图法分类号: TP393 文献标识码: A
近年来微机电系统(icro-electro-mechanism system,简称MEMS)、无线通信、信息网络与集成电路等技术的迅速发展,无线传感器网络(ireless sensor ne