新视野大学英语(第三版)Unit 8_单词解释+例句.pdf

新视野大学英语(第三版)Unit 8_单词解释+例句.pdf

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Unit 8 TEXT A New words gender n. [C, U] the fact of being male or female 性别 Some research tells us that between ages two and five, children become aware of gender. 有研究 告诉我们,孩子在2岁到5岁之间开始对性别有所认识。 variable n. [C] sth. that may be different in different situations, so that you cannot be sure what will happen 易 变的事;可变因素 With so many variables, the exact cost of this experiment is difficult to estimate. 有这么多可变因 素,这项实验的确切成本难以估算。 a. likely to change often 易变的;多变的 These charges and interest rates are variable and the Bank reserves the right to change them. 这 些费用和利率是可变的,本银行保留更改的权利。 contradiction n. [C] a difference between two statements, beliefs, or ideas about sth. that means they cannot both be true 矛盾;不一致 It is a contradiction to say you support him but would not vote for him in the election. 你说你支持 他,但选举时又不会选他,这是自相矛盾的。 intimate a. having an extremely close friendship 亲密的;密切的 Katie has been on intimate terms with Jane since college. 凯蒂从大学开始就和简关系亲密。 magnetic a. 1 able to attract and interest people very strongly 有吸引力的;有魅力的 His magnetic personality made him an influential political figure. 他富有魅力的个性使他成为了一位 有影响力的政治人物。 2 capable of attracting iron objects 有磁性的;有磁力的 The magnetic bulletin board has become the children’s favorite, on which they often display their creative drawings. 磁性公告板成为孩子们的心爱之物。他们经常在上面展示自己 富有创造力的画 作。 sensitive a. 1 able to understand other people’s feelings and problems 善解人意的;体恤的 Her own experiences had made her sensitive to other people’s troubles. 她的个人经历使她懂得体 恤别人的难处。 2 easily upset or offended by events or things that people say 敏感的;容易生气的 After their own defeat, people in this country are sensitive about the topic of war. 战败后,这个国 家的人们对战争的话题很敏感。 Throughout her career she remained very sensitive to criticism. 在她整个职业生涯中,她总是对批 评很敏感。


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