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Unit 1 Lead in I have a dream (3) What is your dream? If you have a big dream, what would you do to make it come ture? focus1text Vocabulary youth at risk programs: youth at risk refers to those young people who are not properly looked after or educated and have a tendency to commit wrongdoings such as being addicted to alcohol, drugs, and so on. at risk: 有危险,有风险 e.g. If we go to war, innocent lives will be put at risk. continually: 不停地,频繁地 e.g. The telephone has been ringing continually in the office all morning. Pay attention to the difference between continual and continuous. Continual connotes an act that is repeated again and again (意味着可能存在间断) while continuous implies lack of interruption in time, substance, or extent (含有在时间、物质或广度上没有间断的意思). detailed: 详细的,极注意细节的,详尽的 e.g. Please send a detailed resumé to our company. She has a detailed knowledge of American culture. sit that the verb sit in this sentence is used in the sense of “to be situated or located (坐落,处于或位于)”. e.g. The house sits on a hill. The farm sits on the side of the hill. hand sth. in:提交,呈交,上交(尤指书面材料或失物) e.g. She handed in her resignation. The letter F refers to a failing grade in schoolwork. reconsider:vt. 重新考虑(某事物) e.g. We regret that we are unable to reconsider your case. If he were you, he would reconsider my proposal. realistic: a. 1) 现实的,实事求是的 e.g. Be realistic—you can’t expect a big salary at eighteen. 2)(文艺的)现实主义的,写实主义的 e.g. This is a realistic novel about ghetto life. make up one’s mind on sth./to do sth.: 下决心做某事 e.g. This one looks pretty good, but I’d like to see more before I make up my mind. Do you have any other suggestions? state: vt. 陈述或说明(某事) e.g. He stated positively that he had never seen the man. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions. fireplace: n. 壁炉 e.g. Books and a fireplace lent a feeling of warmth to the room give up on: 对……不抱希望,对……表


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